Can somebody get fat 4 eating too many ice cream? I have eaten ice cream for 5 days in a row, a few spoon at one time. You can't blame me, this is the first time I ever eat ice cream without feeling any guilt for Balqis might have bloated stomach later that night :) Felt good though, satisfied when the sweet taste of vanilla & blueberry going down my throat, and I got sore throat each morning. Even my body needs to re-adjust themselves with the new menu :)

Just finished watching The Weather Man by Nicholas Cage. I think this his the movie that failed to catch my attention. Usually any film he acted in is great, even the ridiculous one like The War Lord or The Lord of War or omething like that ( which he was a guns & weapons businessman ). He is also En lanun's all time favourite actor. Guess they all have one movie they'd regretted ever doing it.

Kinda boring today. Just like any other day of my life. *sigh*