Finally I gave in and went straight to the nearest Celcom branch & sign up for the Celcom broadband. Lucky me, I got the last Sierra AT & T modem at the promotional price RM299 (the original price is RM499, I think). And the connection is so smooth and fast, if it's not because of the kids I might be online 24 hours he he. Alhamdulillah..monthly kena lah bayar RM68. Teman x kisahlah janji 3 bulan En Lanun xde ni kami masih dpt berhubung tanpa masalah. dah lah seminggu sekali dapat call 3 minit. Balqis aje dah book 2 minit. blum sempat cakap apa2 dah terminate call. hu hu sedihnya. Sabar ajelah teman ni :( ni tengah tunggu dia online lah ni *wink, wink*