I see everybody amongs me is changing. Improving. Some are furthering their studies with Master or PHD, some locals and some abroad. Some has started doing online biz. Some are baking cakes and cupcakes and taking orders. Some even going oversea maybe following their husband or just going for holidays and having fun. Even my working friend turning housewife (for the time being) is doing great cooking special dishes and sewing something interesting and spending so much time with her kid.
Me? I'm not moving anywhere from the last 6yrs. pathetic. Nothing change, no new knowledge, no nothing. such a loser. Yang bertambah hanyalah retak2 di tumit, rambut yg makin byk gugur, lemak makin bertambah di seluruh badan, jerawat di sana sini, dan suara yg makin nyaring kerana hari2 berlatih 'menyanyi' dgn anak2 yg sgt baik2 perangai nye.
ntahlah. sedih jugak fikir2kan. camne nk improve myself. kt mana nk start. and i dont even know how to do it. or what to do. I think I was somewhat 'hiding' behind this title of "fulltime housewife who is too busy with 3 kids". ya like the others dont have kids. pfftt. Ya Allah tunjukkan lah jalan yg terbaik untuk ku ya Allah......
Forcing More Spring-Blooming Bulbs
5 hours ago