this kids are so, so hyperactive- they are running and screaming and throwing things and crying and I think I wanna throw up.'s bad enough that I didn't have enough sleep every night, and during day time I have to keep up with my other 2 kids who seem like, don't know when to stop and at the same time attending Zakwan all the time. My eyes are like the pandas-dark circle so obvious you can see it from far, far away. Oh God help me get through this...
Forcing More Spring-Blooming Bulbs
20 hours ago
InsyaAllah you can do it! Lama2 biasalah dgn keadaan tu...hehe..
sape suh beranak 3 rapat2... :P
hehehe.. main2 jek..
amik maid la..
yelah aku ni mmg kejenye beranak je..lainlah mcm korg ada kerjaya best2...
mmg xde sape kesian kt aku ni apa nk buat :(
maid?haven't u read the news lately...banyak sgt problem dgn maid.silap2 mati anak dibuatnye. u r lucky ur own mother is taking care of your child. otherwise u'd quit ur job just so you can look after ur kid ur self
hehe..wan, kami yg kerja pk sonok je dok umah jaga anak, awak yg dok umh jaga anak pk sonok je keje kan...hehehe..actually tulah manusia. InsyaAllah, yg terbaik Allah akan anugerahkan utk kite ye walau apepun yg kite buat..;)
mmg manusia tu x pernah puas...isk...syukur lah wan dgn apa yg ada...
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