So its official-yesterday since 2pm gonna mark the date that i stop bf i said in previous entry,he's already 2yrs old now and my fren once told me that after 2yrs the milk we produce no longer contains any nutrients for our baby. Thus i make up my mind and decided to start today since en lanun is away.he cannot tolerate with kids cried so hard like that,nanti dia suh mengalah & bg jelah nenen tu...sian budak... Hehe...I have twice the experiences of stopping to bf before with akish & auni but it's different coz they are merely 1yr plus,akish only took 3 days but I have to wake up every night for about a year sbb dia nk minum susu.auni,amik masa seminggu tp pastu langsung xde bangun2 mlm mintak susu. dgn zakwan ni xtau la mcm mana sbb susu botol pun xmo minum sob sob sob...ya Allah tabahkan lah hati teman...semoga dpt mengatasi dugaan ini hingga berjaya,insya Allah...physically i am prepared and quite thrilled to get rid of the back pain and neck and everything,but inside only Allah knows how...
So i make sure his bottle and milk and mini thermos are right beside me on the bedside table,convenient for me to make his milk quick enough b4 he started to cry @ scream and awaken his 2 sisters (provided that he wanted to drink up the milk,otherwise...oh hoo...imagine the chaos) yup,if u r gonna get into the war,better make urself fully equipped.and this is one war that I have to win.
So last night, as expected by 9.30pm he started wailing and screaming at me to have his nenen as usual. Dah ngantuk la tu. tarik2 baju,tarik2 seluar,x kasi teman buat keje, but I keep calm and said no, you cant bf anymore coz you are a big boy. tgk Boboi Boy tu mana ada nenen lg. kalau nk nenen jgk mama ltk kt luar ajelah.tidur kt luar dgn lembu (he still remembered the cows at our field last week for korban) and he screamed even louder. Last2 teman masukkan dia dalam buaian. buai punya buai, dodoi punya dodoi sampai dah nk naik kering tekak nyanyi mcm2 lagu & zikir, finally he fell asleep. Alhamdulillah. so teman cpt2 solat Isya' dan tidokan kakak2 dia pastu terus tido. Lantaklah cerita korea ke, Kardashians ke, masterchef topchef whatever teman x kira mesti tido awal mlm tu sbb tau dh by midnight mesti dia akan bangun. All is well sampailah 12.30midnight he started to stir up and as usual "nak nenenn" walaupun mata x terbukak pun. teman buai2 dia berhenti nangis & tido balik. baru nk lelap balik Auni nk kencing plak. pastu mintak susu lg. Dh siap semua baru nk lelap, Zakwan bangun semula. kali ni terus nk turun dr buaian. Aiseh..pujuk2 dia xmo jugak. Akish dh amik bantal tutup telinga dia. kuat tu dia nanges...dokong2 bwk ke luar bilik, x sampai 5 minit dh sakit tgn. 11kg++ tu beb huhu mak dia bukannye kuat sgt. susu yg dibuat hanya dipandang sepi..nannakkk!!! (read:taknak) dia jerit hehe adoyai last2 bg air msk je, dia minum seteguk, masuk balik dlm buai dlm stgh jam tido la semula. tp tgn x bleh berhenti la buai huhu kena beli motor ltk kt buaian tu la baru dpt rilex sket :p
Itulah yg jadi mlm td berulang2 nanges-kuar dr buaian-dokong2 skjp-minum air msk-pujuk2-masuk buai-tido-bangun balik-dokong lg-pujuk2-buai lg sampai la 6.15 am mpk dia lelap betul...alhamdulillah. terus amik air sembhyg, solat Subuh & sambung tido balik (slps set alarm pd 7.15am, kalau x ada org x gi sklh la pg ni hehe). Nk hntr Akish sklh pun tgk dia x bergerak2 lg, mintak tolong jiran je tumpangkan dia ke sklh sbb kesian nk kejutkan zakwan bangun.
Bangun pg ni dia lapar sgt agaknye, terus mintak mee goreng panas2 tu disuapkan juga ke mulutnye. keropok lekor 3-4 btg dimknnye. air teh 2 cawan. Alhamdulillah....
Teman sgt mengantuk. Pening pun ada. tp x rasa lapar mcm biasa bila mlm2 bf zakwan bangun subuh lapar mcm seminggu x mkn. Kita tgk hari ni mcm mana :) hopefully he gets better...insya Allah...
Forcing More Spring-Blooming Bulbs
20 hours ago
insyaAllah semoga berjaya. caiyok2..'dek' kan je 'nyanyian' zakwan..kejap je tu insyaAllah.
makaseh far neighbour said should wait until he is 2yrs half...sian dia suddenly kena stop bf but i said by that time pun kena stop jugak kan...alang2 dh start semalam, baik teruskan aje :)
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